Quality of Care | Access to Care


Our mission at Direct Pay Healthcare is to provide an improved alternative to the fee-for-service healthcare system. We believe that Direct Primary Care (DPC) is the central supporting element to the formation and growth of the Direct Healthcare System. Without supporting entities and development of the Direct Healthcare System, Direct Primary Care only allows for patients to partially withdraw from the fee-for-service system.


Our aim at Direct Pay Healthcare is to be the ‘Go-To’ resource for patients to find all Direct Healthcare Providers, including but not limited to Direct Primary Care, Direct Specialty Care, and Direct Preventative Care. We also provide patient access to Healthshares, Health Savings Accounts, and Direct Pharmacies. We would like to provide passage and know-how for patients and clinicians to move entirely out of the fee-for-service system and into the Direct Healthcare System. Access to our online directory and other resources will remain free for the patient population.


For Direct Healthcare Providers, we are here to support you. Those of you who have already opened your direct medical practice, we would love to feature you in our online directory to help patients connect with you. To those providers considering switching to a Direct Financial Model, we are here to help you do that. We are also providing business administration education for direct doctors to develop, manage, and grow their direct medical practices.


Our mission at Direct Pay Healthcare is to help unhappy people in the fee-for-service healthcare system switch to the improved Direct Pay Healthcare System, where our goal is to increase access to care and to strengthen quality of care. We believe that price transparency and integrity are at the forefront of the Direct Pay Healthcare System.