Direct Pay Healthcare Directory

Directions: Type your 5-digit zip code in the address bar to the right of the map. A list of cities will be generated. Click on the city nearest you. Physicians in that area will be generated. Then click on the map markers in your selected area to find direct pay medical practices near you. Once you’ve found your preferred physician, click on the link to their website to start interacting with the medical practice.

What is Direct Pay Healthcare?

Direct Pay Healthcare is an affordable option for healthcare services where surprise billing is removed, and price transparency is at the forefront. Direct Pay Healthcare can help your family find the quality medical care that they deserve.

If you prefer straightforward billing and price transparency, Direct Pay Healthcare is likely a great option for you to explore. To read more about how Direct Pay Healthcare works, check out our About Page.

  • How can our resources help you?

    How can our resources help you?

    Click on the arrow buttons to scroll through and see more information on Healthcare Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Direct Pay Pharmacies.

    Click on the button below to visit our Resources Page.

  • Healthcare Savings Accounts (HSAs)

    Healthcare Savings Account (HSAs)

    A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-exempt trust, where the funds can be used to pay for co-pays, medical visits, ambulances, medications, vision care, dental care, mental health, nursing homes, and many other qualified medical expenses. A Health Savings Account (HSA) can provide a very real safety net for your family and yourself when it comes to the security of funding for healthcare expenses. Click the button below to read in greater detail about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

  • Direct Pay Pharmacies

    Direct Pay Pharmacies

    In the typical pharmacy system, the pharmacy benefit manager negotiates costs between drug manufacturers and insurance companies. When you do not use insurance to purchase your medications, the pharmacy benefit manager is removed and the pharmacy can negotiate at cost prices, driving down the cost of many medications. To read more about Direct Pay Pharmacies, click the button below.

Healthcare Professionals

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